How to Donate

We operate through the generous donations of our supporters. You can make a donation by cash, cheque, bank transfer and through JustGiving

Thank you for your genorosity.

Donating by bacs / standing order

Direct bank transfers order regular standing orders can be made our bank account. Please get in touch with our Administrator for more information on

Donations to our charity shop

Cash donations can be made into our charity box at our Charity Shop in Lechlade, along with items such as clothing, books, toys and more. Check our Charity Shop page for more information about opening hours and accepted items.


Donate your Time

We're always grateful of a helping hand. Contact us to find out about volunteer opportunities.


If you are a UK tax payer you can give us extra help by completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form for your donations. This allows us to claim back 25p for every pound that you give, at no cost to you. Please download the below form and return to Friends of Fairford and Lechlade Communities Charity Shop, Lloyds Bank House, High Street, Lechlade, GL7 3AE

thank you for your support

We are extremely grateful for any and all support. We would like to acknowledge your donation and fundraising efforts so please include your name and address with your cheque. Please note that donations made by bank transfer, standing order and Just Giving do not make your contact details available to us. Therefore if you would like to receive a confirmation of receipt and a message of acknowledgement, please send an email to with your contact details and details of the donation(s) made.