The Friends of Fairford and Lechlade Communities is a local charity run by volunteers.

We provide health related support to the patients of our two GP practices in Fairford and Lechlade.

Our Shop

Visit us on Lechlade High Street for pre-loved clothes, toys & games, books, DVDs and much more.

Open Tuesday - Saturday
10am - 4pm


Information on upcoming fundraising events, and support sessions and services taking place in your local community.

100 Club

Join our 100 Club for a chance to win cash prizes each month.
See who won this month!

Join us

Find out about job vacancies, opportunities for volunteers and how to donate goods to our charity shop in Fairford.

How we help

We succeed through the generosity, support and commitment from our local community.

Support Us

Our aim is to raise sufficient funds each year to at least match our annual expenditure. 
This is done through: